You will be receiving more detailed information on the Silent Auction, from your Section Parent Leads this week, including a Request Letter and Donation Form. This document is available in Word or PDF format in CutTime, under Files/Docs, Auction. Please reach out to the businesses you frequent, and ask them to support our band program by donating to our auction. Our goal is for each family to get at least one item or service donated for the auction.
Below are a few examples of auction items:
- Gift Cards from Restaurants / Retail Stores
- Services from Hair or Nail Salons / Spas
- Holiday Wreaths / Crafts
- Products from Home-Based Businesses (i.e. Norwex, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, etc.)
- Photography Services
- Organizational Services
- Fitness Products
- Collectibles
- Veterinary Services
If you have any questions about the Silent Auction, please contact Heidi Miller at / 317-418-8873.