Call to Order: Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:06pm
Approval of minutes from May Meeting: Holly Blunk motioned, Jeff Chandler seconded motion approved.
Presidents Report
- Car Wash and Mattress Sale Update
- Both did well, did not exceed expectations but met our needs. Thank you to all the volunteers.
- First Football Game
- A week from this Friday, come out early to watch the students march into the stadium and the show will be performed at halftime. Chaperone and Props sign ups are on Cuttime. Look at events on the calendar for volunteer spots.
- Invitational Update
- Our biggest event for volunteer need – meeting tonight for Chairpersons. We need ALL band parents to help out with this even. The goal is 100% participation! Need a person to step in to shadow and help Duers run ticketing so they can take over for next season. Please contact president’s Duers to help out.
- Pickleman’s Dine to Donate 8/25
- SUNDAY!!! Please spread the word on social media
- Bandcoming
- Date is set for 10/5 and we have 2 parents chairperson for this event.
- More information will be out shortly.
- Craft Fair — 10/5
- This is our largest fundraiser financially for our organization.
- Looking for volunteers to help chairperson this event and shadow Carrie Duer and Michelle Laroche this year to help with planning in order to step in the next year.
Directors Report
- Marching Band – going well and continuing to learn part 2 movements.
- IMPORTANT – Please attend ALL Band Camp days and encourage students to communicate with directors about conflicts.
- Working on Pre-Game music this week – please encourage students to practice.
- First band concert is October 7th, please come out.
- Band is providing shirts for the concert – encouraging students to wear slacks – if skirt is required please be below the knees.
- Waiting for the completion of the show to learn the 3rd section.
Vice President Report
- Chaperone Update
- Working with Mr. Kohler to set up a training date.
- Safe Visitor Badges are required for ALL chaperones and watching the anti-bullying video.
- More spots will open up in the future for events.
- Safe Visitor Badges
- Good for 3 years!!! All spots require this.
- Conner Prairie
- Sign ups will be sent via
Treasurer Report
- Budget Update
- Line items have been moved to balance areas.
- 91k assets – please keep paying band fees.
- Spirit Wear Update
- Fall Sales have been excellent 12k which is an increase from 9k last year.
- Year around web store will open up in September.
- Car Wash
- Please turn in tickets and any collected money in the band box.
Secretary Report
- N/A
Student Accounts Report
- Overall Update on accounts
- Most paid with only 27 accounts behind or not paid. Please check Cuttime for your current account balance. Fundraiser updates do take some time to be added since we are waiting on vendors.
- Please reach out to student accounts for any financial issues, we WILL work with families to make sure all students can participate.
Committee Updates
- Sponsorship
- All well, sponsors are being posted on the internal facebook page.
- Keep reaching out to friends and families businesses, it is much easier to make those connections when it is personal.
- Thanks to all the helpers who continue to work with the Sponsorship Committee.
- Props
- All props are built at this time, vinyl is incoming but may not be on for the first football game.
- Please come on out – there will be calls for painting and gluing.
- 3 box trucks plus the semi – very little lifting with the props this year.
- Football game slots are in Cuttime and Lawrence Invitational – Looking for 9 spots and 3 drivers per event.
- Invitational
- Committee Chair Meeting tonight
- Sign up Genius to go out about 2 weeks before the invitational.
- Food
- Thank you for your generosity this season and to the sponsors who have helped defray the costs to the band and families.
- Section Meals – Avon 9/28 – Regional 10/12 — States 11/9
Open Discussion
- Hooties Embroidery will be offering the show hat for sale – $18 3 dollars per hat will be given back to the band.
- Muffler needed for the tractor to pull the Tympani – Small engine person would be helpful.
- Ornaments will be available this season as well. Please look for information on Facebook.
VIP Drawing Student Account $25 – Jen Zink
Hat Donation (Hooties Embroidery Donation): Alicia
Motion to Adjourn: Cheryl Christian motioned to adjourn the meeting, Matt Hooton seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:39pm
Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 17, 7PM